Mission College
Mission College
Mission College
Mission College
Mission College
Mission College
Mission College
Mission College
Mission College

Originated a pamphlet to encourage and enable student access to online learning resources, using vibrant illustrations and QR code placement


Mission College


Pamphlet design


Marketing collaterals

Marketing Bi-Fold pamphlet for Mission College

To support students transferring to and succeed in the distance learning environment, since the pandemic, Mission College had rolled out various supporting programs like mental health consultant, food bank, laptop, and wifi loan, etc. As more and more programs were added throughout 2020, I thought of creating a pamphlet that students can keep as a directory and quickly refer to whenever they need support. The main target audience is MC's students, with the majority under 35, but basically are very diversified.


I started the project by collecting information on the Mission College website and e-letters, working on copywriting where needed. The information was sent to our Marketing Director to ensure no program was left out and then move into groups of related content. As this brochure should be handy for students, I learned from restaurants to leverage QR codes for quick access. Knowing how much space should be dedicated for content, I started sketching to brainstorm on layouts of the brochure, then exploring two design concepts with InDesign. The concepts were shown to my fellow designers in class and our Marketing Director for critiques and feedback.

Another concept during exploration phase
Another idea in exploration concept that wasn't picked to be developed further

Final design

After 2 rounds of feedback from the Marketing Director and students, below is the final solution. It used illustrations to create an uplifting look and feel, short sentences, QR codes, and an organized layout. The anchor font is Futura, paired with Futura condensed—which are the typeface in the brand guideline of MC. The color scheme is also leveraged from the guideline to ensure brand identity.

The front cover created a familiar studying atmosphere with students during pandemic, supporting the title of the pamphlet. The back cover informs the phases to reopening, with icons arranged on a vertical line, continuously leads readers through four phases. The current phase is placed out of that alignment to create a focal point.

Inside spreads with two sections, separated by contrast in background colors and content arrangement, signaled by a third color of the titles' background. In the left session, keywords are treated with contrast in color, allow a quick scan. The alignment and repetition of resources help the reader to process information easier and in order. In the right session, sub-heads are highlighted by the weight of text and contrast in the background color. Directories are treated with consistency in color.

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